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  • Sunday, 07 July 2024
UK-GCC FTA Negotiations Advance

UK-GCC FTA Negotiations Advance

In a significant development aimed at bolstering economic ties between the United Kingdom and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), negotiations for a free trade agreement (FTA) have advanced significantly during the sixth round of talks held between January 29 and February 9.


Hosted in London, the negotiations were conducted in a hybrid format, with GCC negotiators participating in both in-person discussions and virtual sessions. During this round, substantial progress was made as the draft treaty text was advanced across multiple chapters, with technical discussions held across 21 policy areas over 30 sessions.


Both parties have reaffirmed their commitment to securing an ambitious, comprehensive, and modern agreement suited for the 21st century. The FTA is poised to unlock substantial economic opportunities, marking a pivotal moment in the relationship between the UK and the GCC. Total trade between the two entities was valued at £59 billion, according to the latest figures, underscoring the significance of this partnership.


The UK government emphasizes that any deal reached will prioritize the best interests of the British people and the UK economy. Integral to this commitment is the assurance that high standards across various domains, including environmental protection, public health, animal welfare, and food safety, will not be compromised. Furthermore, the UK asserts its right to regulate in the public interest, ensuring that the welfare of its citizens remains paramount.


Importantly, the UK government clarifies that during the negotiations, the National Health Service (NHS) and the services it provides will not be subject to discussion. This reaffirmation underscores the government's steadfast dedication to safeguarding the integrity and accessibility of public healthcare services.


Looking ahead, both parties are poised to schedule the next round of negotiations shortly, signaling continued momentum towards the realization of a mutually beneficial FTA.


As negotiations progress, stakeholders on both sides anticipate the manifold benefits that will arise from enhanced trade cooperation, fostering economic growth, job creation, and prosperity for both the UK and GCC nations.




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