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  • Monday, 24 June 2024
Gordon Ramsay Urges Helmet Safety After Cycling Accident

Gordon Ramsay Urges Helmet Safety After Cycling Accident

Chef Shares Harrowing Experience Ahead of Father's Day

In a heartfelt video posted on his social media, renowned chef Gordon Ramsay lifted his chef's whites to reveal substantial purple bruising on his torso. The injuries, which required hospital treatment, were the result of a recent cycling accident.


A Message to All Dads

Addressing "all the dads out there" just ahead of Father's Day, the star of Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares and Hell's Kitchen emphasized the critical importance of wearing a helmet. "I don't care how short the journey is," he urged, stressing that this guidance is even more crucial when cycling with children: "They've got to wear a helmet."

Ramsay continued, "I want to wish you all a happy Father's Day, but please, please, please wear a helmet. If I didn't, honestly, I wouldn't be here now."


Before and After: The Damage

On his Instagram, Ramsay shared a before and after photograph showing substantial damage to his helmet, underscoring the protective gear's role in saving his life.


The Accident and Aftermath

The accident occurred earlier this week in Connecticut. Ramsay, 57, thanked the trauma surgeons and nurses at Lawrence and Memorial Hospital who took care of him. He clarified that despite the severe bruising, he did not "break any bones or suffer any major injuries," although he was "a bit bruised up looking like a purple potato."


Pushing Through the Pain

Ramsay concluded with an update on his recovery, "I'm in pain. It's been a brutal week. And I'm sort of getting through it."



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