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  • Sunday, 30 June 2024

Fntastic Studio Shuts Down "The Day Before" Days After Early Access Launch

Fntastic Studio Shuts Down

In a shocking turn of events, Fntastic Studio announced the closure of its operations just days after the early access launch of The Day Before, a highly anticipated zombie MMO. 


The announcement, posted on Fntastic's X account, revealed the grim reality: 

"Today, we announce the closure of Fntastic studio. Unfortunately, The Day Before has failed financially, and we lack the funds to continue. All income received is being used to pay off debts to our partners." 


Despite financial challenges, Fntastic has assured players that the game servers would remain operational. However, the fate of The Day Before and Propnight remains uncertain. Mytona, the publisher of The Day Before, has expressed regret for the game not meeting player expectations and is committed to collaborating with Steam to process refunds.


The closure follows a troubled launch for The Day Before, which had already garnered negative attention during its development period. Initially promoted as an open-world MMO, the game received criticism for turning out to be more of an extraction shooter in reality. The early access release suffered from bugs, server issues, and a significant deviation from what was promised in promotional materials.


Even before the closure announcement, The Day Before faced a barrage of negative reviews on Steam, leading to an almost 90% drop in player count within four days.


As the gaming community processes the closure and seeks refunds, the aftermath has left The Day Before delisted from Steam, Fntastic CEO Eduard Gotovstev removing his X account, and the game's Discord server wiped clean. 


The once-promising release now stands as a cautionary tale, raising questions about the reliability of smaller studios and their ability to deliver on ambitious promises.

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