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Dr Steven Warren talks Stem Cell Therapy on AYO NEWS Insights - Transcript

Dr Steven Warren talks Stem Cell Therapy on AYO NEWS Insights - Transcript

This week on AYO NEWS Insights our host Charli Fisher went behind the scenes of stem cell therapy with Dr Steven Warren, MD. See the full transcript of the interview below and watch the full interview for FREE on ayozat.com at: https://www.ayozat.com/watch/ayo-news-insights/LlVeUzJZ9JGx

Charli - Welcome to AYO NEWS Insights. I'm your host, Charli Fisher, and today we're going to be talking to you about a heavily discussed topic that spans across multiple industries, stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine. These have their positives and negatives and certainly a lot of controversy. On today's show, we have Dr. Warren, who can lift the lid on some of the truths, the myths and the falsehoods surrounding this subject. Dr. Warren, welcome. It's so great to have you on the show.


Dr. Warren - Thank you for inviting me to be on your show. Great opportunity.


Charli - We're really excited to discuss this with you today. So, now you have extensive experience with regenerative medicine. How do you see treatments like stem cell therapy and PRP evolving in the realm of, say, muscle repair and recovery?


Dr. Warren - I think it's a big factor. Let me talk about first what PRP is, it stands for Platelet Rich Plasma. And we know that platelets, when you cut yourself, we thought platelets just made you stop bleeding and formed a scar, but underneath that scab, that scar, that scab the platelets are telling everything in our body, come here and heal that. Heal the muscles, heal the ligaments, the nerves. Everything's being done by the platelets because they're the conductors. And so if we draw your blood out, spin it around in a certain fashion, and we, actually eight times the amount of platelets in my little injection. So if I inject that amount of of platelets into an area, let's say into a shoulder, or to a neck, or a back, or a muscle from injuries, all of those platelets are there, it's like eight times fold. And so they're really conducting and accelerating the healing. So they'll stop the pain, they'll stop, build up the muscles better. They'll get ligaments growing, they'll have meniscus growing because of the PRP. We also put it in with the ozone often so that the ozone stops the inflammation and puts pure oxygen to that particular area.


The stem cells that were used come from umbilical cords because they're the most ethical ones. So it's women who have donated their umbilical cords after a normal delivery. We take that cord, we get the mothers, we make sure they haven't had any illnesses, they haven't had a lot of tattoos, they haven't lived in certain countries, and then we do blood tests on them. If the mother passed all those tests, then we take the cord and under sterile procedure, scrape out the stem cells out of the Wharton's jelly that's in that umbilical cord, that then that is stem cells that are retested again for everything. Part of it's kept on a shelf in an incubator for three weeks, make sure nothing else is growing. Once they've gone through that extensive process, then we can take those stem cells that we keep, like in the United States at a -190 degrees Fahrenheit, we keep them on liquid nitrogen. I take them out there, thaw them in my hands, and then I inject them into what I'm trying to do, whether it's into a joint, into a muscle. And wherever I need those stem cells, that's where I'm injecting them from these ethically, you know obtained process.


Charli - So you mentioned that the umbilical cord is ethical. Do you come across any other issues in regards to regulatory issues or any other ethical issues and how do you handle these?


Dr. Warren - Part of it in, you know, the ethical part gets into other countries where they use fetal stem cells. They bought babies and they'll take babies premature, or they do other items in that area. I'm not, I don't approve of that, at least my standards are I don't use any, you know, aborted babies or doing it from just when they put the eggs and sperm together to get those initial stem cells. So that's the biggest problem is making sure we're getting stem cells that you want from umbilical cords that have been tested. One of the other things that we see in the world is a lot of people charging a lot of money for them, because they can't, they'll charge 20, 20 thousand dollars. They try to do a lot more procedures on people. So I recommend to patients to really, you know, study it hard before they have any questions and look into it better because it shouldn't cost that much money. You know, it used to cost $10,000. Now it's maybe three to five thousand dollars. You don't need multiple treatments in a row. You can do it basically with one or two treatments with the stem cells to get those benefits. Regulatory in the United States, there's been some controversy about it in the United States on whether umbilical cord stem cells really do have a function. But we've seen it from our research worldwide how much benefit there is. So sometimes you jump you these regulatory hoops, United States, hopefully they'll start coming down, but the rest of the world using the umbilical cords and the Wharton's jelly are seeing great benefits, and then they're also being able to purify them to make them, direct them in different areas called Exosomes in the stem cells. So if I needed to repair a certain muscle, repair that muscle, I have to repair the lungs and repair the lungs. So there's a lot new research going on to try to get those, those stem cells to go to the right areas of the body.


Charli - You mentioned about the stem cells going to the right areas. Does this also help with chronic conditions or diseases?


Dr. Warren - I think I've seen in my personal practice, I've used it for autistic kids, I've used it for people with chronic renal disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, lung disease in particular is another big area. So if I can get those stem cells into those areas, we're seeing a lot of benefits in chronic diseases, maybe off dialysis, kids talking, acting better. We're seeing diabetes reducing that. We're also seeing, you know, meniscus rebuild, meniscus in knees or labrum tears in the shoulder, they're repairing based on the stem cells. So I think a lot of chronic illnesses can be treated that way as we go on in research and get more specific stem cells and exosomes to go to the right areas.


Charli - Could you also share your insights in enhancing the effectiveness of treatments for say, sports injuries and war casualties?


Dr. Warren - I think the way, you know, I think is very important. If we can get stem cells into patients, if you're out on a poor diet, don't have the right vitamins, don't have the right hormones in your body, they're not that effective. So if we want to get stem cells to be more effective, we put you on anti-inflammatory diets, optimize your hormones, optimize your health with the right vitamins. If we have to use certain peptides that are naturally made, we get those peptides into you so that you feel better. And if I can use, you know, you just can't take in something that's really poor, put stem cells and to make it better, we have to use a combination of a lot of different factors from nutrition, to the vitamins, to hormones, to peptides to get those stem cells to work more effectively.


Charli - Is this also the case for anti-aging with stem cells?


Dr. Warren - I think we've seen a lot of anti-aging in that area. I've used it myself for my hair, all my hair, my head's from PRP and stem cells. We use it in skin to repair skin, and so I think the future is going to see a lot more work as the prices go down, more of these stem cells being used in the beauty area, we're taking scars down with the stem cells, we're able to have a lot of different, you know, chronic skin problems heal with the stem cells in the beauty arena. I think we're going to see more and more work putting the stem cells in the right area to regenerate it instead of putting in artificial fillers, you know, artificial neural modulators like Botox. We can do it with stem cells or PRP we're going to be better off in the long run, with a natural process.


Charli - Explain the PRP process when it comes to beauty.


Dr. Warren - I think like in, let's say my hair, I was pretty bald. We took the stem cells from the umbilical cords, injected little injections in my scalp after we numbed it. And then PRP goes in right afterwards with, you know, a couple of different peptides, and you do that every month for three or four months and boy, it just makes the hair grow. We're using it under the eyes to get that fillers in there, we're using it for wrinkles, we're using it to get better, skin firmer. So sometimes I'm using something like artificial threads that go in there, and that dissolve - but if we do the stem cell PRP on top of it, we're getting more healthier skin and making it more look natural. I don't like that fake look, and so if we can use stem cells and platelet and PRP in combination with threads and other natural things, we're going to get some really beautiful results without doing a lot of damage to our skin.


Charli - Is that PRP and stem cells directly from the person, or do you get those elsewhere?


Dr. Warren - I get them, all the PRP is from yourself. The stem cells. You know, there are some places in the world that'll take it out of your bone marrow, that hurts. Yeah. You don't want to take it out of your adipose tissue, your fat tissue. But, I think the stem cells need to come from the umbilical cords, from that Whartons jelly. They're the best. And then, of course, the PRP's coming out of your own body.


Charli - And how many sessions do you need of this for it to be effective?


Dr. Warren - Well, you know, I think with the hair I did one stem cell, three PRP and most people, you know, then once a year they might get another PRP treatment along with some other products, we use other peptides that they can put on their hair every day, and I think it doesn't take that much. Under the eyes and in the face, you know, once a year, once every two years, a treatment's going to make it look very well natural and improve your skin turgor overall.


Charli - You also work with a electro-frequency medicine. Can you tell us more about this?


Dr. Warren - I'm just starting to do a lot of this because we know that everything in our body is on a frequency. You hear those people take your glass in front of them and say a certain pitch or sing it and the glass shatters because everything has a frequency and everything in our body has a frequency. And we're finding out more and more that by treating people with the correct frequencies, we can find out, first of all, what's wrong with people. And second of all, try to start healing different chronic illnesses and diseases with the right frequency going into their bodies that you can do in a multitude of different arenas. But we find that these frequencies that were found years and years and years ago, over 100 years ago, are very effective in helping people heal their bodies. And sometimes you can even do it remotely and healing people with it. So I think electric frequencies are going to be a big ticket item in the near future for anti-aging, you know, as long as, you know, along with some other items that we're using that are more natural, like we've talked about rapamycin, which was found years ago in the Easter Islands that we take now once a week that extend your life by 20%. I'm using methylene blue, an old medication that was used for years. Now it's a natural product that helps your brain focus, gets rid of brain fog, it heals your skin and your body. So there's a lot of old ideas that are coming forth right now that we can use that are not that expensive. You know, our world likes to make the next best thing, but they charge you thousands and thousands of dollars for them, when there's some things that have been around for years that really will benefit you and not, you know, at low cost. That's what we're trying to focus on in our aging, anti-aging program.


Charli - Do think that this is the future of medicine?


Dr. Warren - I think it is. I think, you know, we want to live longer. We want to look better when you're living longer, and you want to feel better. You know, I always tell people, I don't care how long you live, but you want to feel healthy to that last day. So if we optimize your hormones, we get you on some natural peptides, we use some of these other agents I talked about, then I think we're going to make people feel healthier and happier then I don't care when they die, but as long as they're healthy, that last day will extend that date. But I want them to feel better during that period of time With the new DNA testing that we're doing right now, that I can almost predict your, your time that you die, your actual age. But it tells us things based on our DNA, how we can correct those things, be on the right nutrients, change certain habits in our body so we can extend that life. That's what we're looking for and that's what the future's so excited about between the DNA work and that having options like the rapamycin and methylene blue, the electric frequencies, the stem cells, the PRP and putting it with our DNA, we're going to see a lot more health in the future, people being healthier and happier.


Charli - Thank you. Dr. Warren , it's been so intriguing to hear about your insights, the breakthroughs and the future of regenerative medicine.


Dr. Warren - I appreciate it. Really appreciate it a lot. Thank you.


Charli - Thanks for joining us at AYO NEWS Insights. I'm your host, Charli Fisher, and we'll see you next time.

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