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  • Saturday, 27 July 2024
Controversial Sign at Swiss Ski Shop Sparks Outrage

Controversial Sign at Swiss Ski Shop Sparks Outrage

A ski shop on Switzerland's Pischa mountain near Davos has faced backlash after it displayed a sign barring Jews from renting equipment. The sign, written in Hebrew, referred to "very annoying incidents," including the alleged theft of a sled, as the reason for the discriminatory policy. 


The Pischa hotel-restaurant initially claimed the sign had "nothing to do with antisemitism" but later apologised, stating that the wording was poorly chosen. The ski shop reversed its decision within 24 hours after facing widespread criticism and the sign was removed. 


The Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities has condemned the incident, labelling it as "antisemitism" and a violation of Swiss anti-racism laws. Regional police have initiated an investigation into the possible criminal violation. 


Davos, known for hosting the World Economic Forum, has seen a growing number of Israeli Jewish visitors, raising concerns about discrimination and disrespect towards Jewish guests. Mayor Philipp Wilhelm emphasised that "any and all forms of antisemitism, racism, and discrimination must be condemned" and asserted that such behaviour has no place in Davos.


The Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities has announced plans for legal action, highlighting the need to address discrimination and promote a welcoming environment for all visitors.

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