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  • Thursday, 19 September 2024
UK Prime Minister Wants Tougher Outdoor Smoking Rules

UK Prime Minister Wants Tougher Outdoor Smoking Rules

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom wants to place much stricter smoking bans in outdoor areas. He believes that prohibiting smoking in places like pub gardens, outdoor sports stadiums, children's parks and areas near hospitals could help reduce the number of smoking related deaths and reduce pressure on the National Health Service (NHS).

In the United Kingdom around 80,000 people pass away every year due to smoking related illnesses. The government says that treating these illnesses costs the NHS about £17 billion a year. By reducing smoking they hope to save money and help more people live healthier lives.

The proposed changes are part of a plan to create a smoke free environment in the UK. The government is also considering a smoking ban for young people. This would be one of the strictest anti smoking rules in the world.

However there are questions and concerns from businesses. Particularly those in the hospitality industry. Pubs, cafes and restaurants fear that prohibiting smoking in their outdoor areas will harm their business. Some fear it will result in fewer customers and even force some businesses to close.

However many health experts support the plan. They claim that smoking is a leading cause of preventable deaths and that reducing smoking could significantly improve public health.

The United Kingdom already has strict smoking laws. Since 2007 smoking has been banned in almost every enclosed public areas. These include bars and workplaces. This law has helped lower the country's smoking rate. To maintain this progress the government plans to tighten the rules even further.

The proposed changes are still being discussed and the government is working out the details. The aim is to find a balance between protecting public health and promoting business.

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