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  • Thursday, 13 February 2025
European Scientists Use AI to Understand Pig Emotions and Boost Animal Welfare

European Scientists Use AI to Understand Pig Emotions and Boost Animal Welfare


European scientists have developed an artificial intelligence  tool that can “translate” pig sounds. This will help farmers understand their animals’ emotions better and improve animal welfare. The project was led by behavioral biologist Elodie Mandel Briefer at the University of Copenhagen. During the project thousands of pig sounds were recorded in various situations like during playtime, isolation or when competing for food. These sounds were then analyzed to find patterns that indicate how the pigs might be feeling.


Understanding Pig Emotions

The AI tool can tell if a pig is experiencing positive or negative emotions simply by listening to their sounds. For an example short grunts are usually a sign of positive feelings. This could suggest the pig is content or playful. On the other hand long grunts often signal that the pig is uncomfortable or stressed.

High pitched sounds like squeals or screams are usually a clear sign of stress. According to the researchers these noises often occur when pigs are experiencing pain, fighting with one another or feeling lonely after being separated from the group.


Farm Conditions and Pig Welfare

One interesting finding from this research was that the environment where pigs are raised affects the type and frequency of sounds they make. For an example pigs kept on outdoor or organic farms,where they have more freedom to roam and dig in the dirt made fewer stress related sounds. Pigs raised in more caged conventional settings made stressful sound. This shows that giving pigs more space and natural surroundings could make a big difference in their comfort and happiness.


Real Time Animal Monitoring

The scientists believe that this AI tool could eventually be used by farmers to monitor pigs’ emotional well being in real time. By picking up on signs of stress or discomfort right away farmers could take quicker action to improve conditions for their animals. This tool could also enable consumers to make more informed choices about the farms they support based on the quality of animal care provided.


Looking Ahead

While it’s still in development this AI could be a breakthrough in animal welfare. It will be beneficial for both farmers and animals. The technology shows how AI can be used beyond the typical tech industry applications. This time to give farmers deeper insights into their animals’ well being. If successful this tool could set a new standard for humane farming practices making it easier to prioritize animal welfare across the industry.

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