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  • Wednesday, 23 October 2024
UK Calls for Gov't Action on Plastic Pollution

UK Calls for Gov't Action on Plastic Pollution

Not-for-profit organization City to Sea, supported by over 35 organizations and prominent figures like TV personality Rob Rinder, delivers a resounding call to political parties for intensified measures against single-use plastics.


Urgent Need for Binding Targets as Plastic Pollution Persists

Highlighting the gravity of the situation, City to Sea urges the adoption of legally binding targets, aiming for 30% reusable packaging by 2030, amidst alarming statistics revealing the ongoing prevalence of single-use plastic pollution in the UK.


A Decade of Delayed Action Spurs Environmental Concern

With criticism directed at governmental inertia over 14 years, environmental campaigners express frustration over broken promises and insufficient efforts to address the plastic crisis, emphasizing the need for immediate and decisive action.


Grassroots efforts and collaborative initiatives lead the way

City to Sea’s Refill campaign and widespread adoption of reusable water bottles showcase the power of grassroots movements in combating plastic pollution, while collaborations between NGOs, brands, and individuals amplify the call for a shift towards reuse and refill systems.


Industry and Government Must Unite for Effective Change

CEO Jane Martin emphasizes the necessity of government intervention and harmonized regulatory frameworks to drive meaningful change, outlining key measures such as supporting a Global Plastics Treaty, implementing Extended Producer Responsibility, and enforcing a ban on single-use packaging.




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