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  • Friday, 18 October 2024
UK and Schengen Visa Rejections Cost Millions

UK and Schengen Visa Rejections Cost Millions

New research reveals staggering figures as Pakistanis pour millions into rejected visa applications for the UK and Schengen countries, highlighting a significant financial burden for applicants.


Lago Collective Analysis Unveils Costs


The Lago Collective, renowned for its interdisciplinary approach to research, unveils eye-opening statistics on the financial toll of rejected visa applications. With close to 40% of applications from Pakistan rejecting the UK in 2023, amounting to £5.3 million, and around 50% rejecting Schengen countries, totaling €3.344 million, the implications of visa inequality come to the forefront.


Reverse Remittances' and Visa Inequality


Dubbed'reverse remittances,' the fees from rejected visa applications represent a flow of money from the world's poorest to the wealthiest nations, with Pakistani nationals bearing a disproportionate burden. Marta Foresti, founder of Lago Collective, emphasizes the tangible consequences of visa inequality and calls for a shift in discourse surrounding aid and migration.


Challenges and Tragic Realities


Foresti highlights the dire challenges faced by Pakistani nationals seeking legal entry into Europe, citing the tragic incident of the Greece boat capsize as a stark reminder of the dangers associated with alternative migration routes. With rejection rates soaring, individuals are embarking on perilous journeys due to limited options.


Financial Impact and Increasing Fees


As visa application fees continue to rise, the financial burden on applicants escalates. The EUobserver report predicts a surge in rejected visa fees for 2024, exacerbated by increased application fees and tightening migration policies across Europe.


Lack of Reciprocity in Visa Regimes


Foresti's observations underscore the lack of reciprocity in visa regimes, where citizens from African and Asian countries face disproportionate challenges compared to their European counterparts. The disparity in application processes and fees further exacerbates the inequalities inherent in visa systems.


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