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  • Thursday, 04 July 2024
UK Muslim Voters

Gaza Conflict Fuels Campaign Efforts Among UK Muslim Voters

Shanaz Saddique is among a wave of pro-Palestinian candidates hoping to galvanise Muslim voters in Britain’s July 4 election. The goal is to tap into dissatisfaction with the stances of the two main political parties on the Gaza conflict.

Discontent with major parties

Both the ruling Conservatives and the resurgent Labour Party have called for an end to the fighting but have also supported Israel’s right to defend itself. This stance has angered some of the 3.9 million Muslims who make up 6.5% of Britain’s population.

Making a statement

While few of the pro-Palestinian candidates running as independents or for smaller parties are expected to win seats in parliament, the "Muslim Vote" campaign aims to gather enough votes to send a powerful message to those who do. "Gaza is not about a political argument. It's a human rights argument," Saddique, a candidate for Oldham East and Saddleworth, told Reuters. "We do not apologise for being the Gaza party."

Voting for change

The Muslim Vote campaign advises voters to support pro-Palestine candidates, whether they are independents or from smaller parties like the left-wing Workers Party. This party, which has fielded 152 candidates, including Saddique, is led by the outspoken George Galloway, who recently won a special election in Rochdale, a town near Oldham with a large Muslim population.

Context of the Conflict

The Gaza conflict escalated when Hamas-led fighters entered southern Israel on Oct. 7, resulting in 1,200 deaths and around 250 hostages. Israel's subsequent offensive has led to nearly 38,000 deaths, according to Gaza's health ministry. This has significantly impacted voter sentiment, particularly among Muslim communities.

Rise in Independent Candidates

There are around 230 more independent candidates running in this election compared to the last vote in 2019. Many of these independents are campaigning on a pro-Palestinian platform, particularly in areas with large Muslim populations, as noted by Sophie Stowers of the UK in a Changing Europe think tank.

Impact on the Labour Party

The Labour Party, led by Keir Starmer, is the most likely to feel the effects of Muslim voter dissatisfaction. Although still predicted to win the election, Labour has traditionally relied on the support of Muslim and other minority groups. The party has faced criticism for only gradually calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and has committed to recognising a Palestinian state without setting a definitive timetable.

Voices of the Community

Many former Labour supporters are reconsidering their votes. "I've been a long Labour supporter... but no more, not my family. We are not supporting Labour," said a 51-year-old shop owner in Oldham. "Genocide is happening in front of our eyes, and nothing's been done about it, which is very upsetting and very sad.”

A recent Savanta poll found that 44% of Muslims who ranked the conflict as one of the top five issues would consider backing an independent candidate focused on the issue. Another local voter from Oldham shared, "I will vote this year looking at independents, because I don't think the Conservative government or the Labour government have quite promised or done things that sit right with my conscience."

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