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  • Saturday, 29 March 2025
Estonian Parties Prioritize Environment in EU Elections

Estonian Parties Prioritize Environment in EU Elections

As the European Parliament election draws near, political parties in Estonia are placing significant emphasis on environmental issues in their manifestos. From pledges towards climate neutrality to addressing concerns affecting entrepreneurs and rural life, the parties are outlining their strategies for tackling environmental challenges while balancing economic interests.


Linking Environment with Security


The Reform Party's manifesto underscores the interconnection between environmental preservation and security. Candidate Hanah Lahe highlights the party's focus on restoring and safeguarding biodiversity, framing the green reform as an opportunity for economic growth in Europe. The party prioritizes decoupling economic growth from the depletion of natural resources, emphasizing the role of the circular economy in fostering resource efficiency.


Prioritizing Grassroots Solidarity in Green Transition


The Social Democrats prioritize the implementation of the green transition as a crucial agenda item for the European Parliament. Candidate Natali Mets emphasizes grassroots solidarity, advocating for inclusive processes that ensure no one is left behind. The party aims to maintain existing jobs while creating new opportunities in sustainable sectors, with a focus on reducing social inequalities.


Balancing Environmental Policy and Property Rights


Parempooled defends property rights while acknowledging the importance of environmental policy in fostering a sustainable economy. Candidate Annela Anger-Kraavi highlights the party's stance on compensating landowners affected by conservation measures. The party emphasizes the need for a growing and competitive economy to fund investments in environmentally friendly technologies and the valuation of Estonia's natural resources.


Advocating for Small-Scale Production and Renewable Energy


The Estonian Greens prioritize small-scale production, the expansion of renewable energy, and robust enforcement of European environmental laws. Co-leader Evelyn Sepp criticizes what she perceives as the exploitation and wastage of Estonia's natural resources, emphasizing the need for genuine environmental protection measures.


Eesti 200, Center Party, Isamaa, and EKRE


Eesti 200 stresses the importance of swift progress in renewable energy development and the continuation of European funding. The Center Party emphasizes the necessity of science-based impact assessments and a financing plan for achieving climate neutrality. Isamaa underscores the importance of meeting climate targets through sufficient guarantees and support, while EKRE positions itself as a conservationist opposing green extremism, advocating for a diversified energy portfolio to ensure Europe's energy independence.


Diverse Approaches to Environmental Policy


As the European Parliament election approaches, Estonian political parties offer diverse approaches to addressing environmental challenges. From prioritizing economic growth through green reforms to advocating for grassroots solidarity and robust conservation measures, each party presents its vision for a sustainable future in Europe. The electorate will have the opportunity to weigh these proposals and make informed decisions at the polls.

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