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  • Saturday, 06 July 2024
Understanding MRP in UK Election Polling

Understanding MRP in UK Election Polling

As elections approach researchers use many different methods to predict the upcoming results. One of the latest and also known to be more accurate methods is called MRP (Multilevel Regression and Post-stratification). Here’s what all of us need to know about it.

What is MRP?

MRP is a technique that helps researches predict election results more accurately. It looks at large national polls and it breaks them down to estimate how people in different areas might vote in the election.

How Does MRP Work?

  1. Data Collection: Researchers collect data from a large number of people across the country.
  2. Building a Model: They create a statistical model to see how different factors like age, income and education affect the voting behavior of voters.
  3. Local Estimates: This model also uses this information to estimate how people in specific areas will vote.

Why is MRP Different?

  • Detailed Analysis: Traditional polls often assume voting patterns are the same everywhere. MRP, however, looks at local differences.
  • Large Samples: MRP uses data from tens of thousands of respondents, making it more reliable than polls with only 1,000-2,000 people.

Success of MRP

MRP has been successful in the past in the following areas:

  • In 2017 it was able to correctly predict that Prime Minister Theresa May would not win a majority.
  • In 2019 it was able to predict a clear win for the Conservatives even though it underestimated the margin.

Limitations of MRP

  • Changing Voters: Voter behavior can change anytime which makes predictions harder.
  • Data Quality: Accurate results depend on having good demographic data.
  • Local Issues: MRP might miss specific local issues that may affect voting.


MRP is a powerful tool for predicting election results. It provides a detailed look at how different groups of people are likely to vote in different areas. While not perfect, it offers a more accurate picture than traditional polling methods. As elections near, MRP helps us understand what might happen at the polls.



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