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  • Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Fallout 2 Fan-Made Remake Has Over 100 Developers Working On Game

Fallout 2 Fan-Made Remake Has Over 100 Developers Working On Game

Fans of the Fallout games are looking forward to the upcoming fan-made Fallout 2 remake, which now has over 100 developers working on the game according to project lead, Damion Daponte. 


The remake, known as Project Arroyo, is using the Fallout 4 creation engine to reimagine the classic game in Bethesda’s first person style. Project Arroyo aims to reimagine the game as a true open-world experience, and has been sharing regular updates, including new models and locations, on Twitter.


Developers Consider Release on Steam

In an interview with James Troughton from The Gamer, Daptone discussed that they are looking to follow the likes of Skyrim mod Enderal: Forgotten Stories and release the game on Stream. 


However, before the game can be released the team need to ensure that there are no legal issues that could arise from the release, as players will need both Fallout 2 and 4, as well as all of the DLCs to be able to play the remake upon its release. 


The project has faced some scepticism from fans about its ability to be sold on Steam, given the potential copyright issues. Despite this, fans remain hopeful, pointing out that similar projects like Nehrim and Enderal have successfully launched on Steam for free.


It is currently unknown whether the game will be on Steam deck if they choose to release on Steam. In the interview with The Gamer, Daponte said it will need further testing. 


The team's dedication to recreating the gritty atmosphere of the original Fallout 2 in a 3D first-person perspective has gained significant attention and anticipation from the gaming community, and gamers eagerly await news of its release.


Project Arroyo doesn't have a release date yet, but fans can stay updated on its progress through the official Twitter account and Reddit community.

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