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  • Friday, 04 October 2024
Brazil Takes Action to Stop Social Benefits Misuse in Online Gambling

Brazil Takes Action to Stop Social Benefits Misuse in Online Gambling

Brazil is taking important steps to prevent people from using social benefits for online gambling. The government is concerned about the "Bolsa Família program". This program provides financial assistance to low income families for food and basic needs. However recent reports show that some of this money is being spent on gambling instead. In fact in just one month around five million people have used these benefits to gamble online. They have spent 3 billion reais on gambling. This amount represents about 20% of the program's total monthly budget!


To address this issue, Brazil's Social Development Ministry is working on a new set of rules. The goal is to make sure that the money goes where it is most needed and that is helping families survive instead of placing bets. One of the main ideas is to ban the use of social benefits for online gambling. They also plan to keep track and limit these activities using tax ID numbers.


These steps are part of a larger effort to clean up Brazil's online gambling industry. The government is already developing rules to control gambling companies and make sure they operate fairly. For example betting companies will be required to pay 30 million reais to stay legal and many may be forced to close if they fail to do so.


President Lula da Silva will soon announce new rules. These include stopping the use of credit cards and Bolsa Família cards for betting. There will also be stricter rules on gambling advertisements. Such as to make sure that they do not encourage people to gamble as a means of getting rich quick. This is all part of a larger plan to keep people from developing gambling addictions and getting into financial trouble.


These recent developments are related to earlier concerns about how uncontrolled betting industry has expanded quickly in Brazil. We have previously discussed how the government has been working to protect those who are vulnerable from the negative effects of gambling. Such as addiction and misuse of funds. The recent attempt to prevent the misuse of social benefits is an important part of that effort.



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