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  • Tuesday, 18 February 2025
WhatsApp Now Makes Messaging More Organized

WhatsApp Now Makes Messaging More Organized

Gone are the days of endless text walls in your WhatsApp messages! The popular messaging app has rolled out four exciting new text formatting options to help you communicate more effectively and organise your thoughts with ease. Available on Android, iOS, Web, and Mac, including Channels, these features join the existing formatting tools like bold, italic, strikethrough, and monospace.

  1. Get Organised with Lists:
  • Bulleted Lists: No more struggling to remember your grocery list items. Simply start your line with a "-" symbol followed by a space, and your text will transform into a neat bulleted list.
  • Numbered Lists: Need to create a step-by-step guide or prioritise tasks? Use numbered lists by starting your line with a number followed by a period and space (e.g., "1. ").

Highlight Key Points with Quotes:

Want to emphasise specific passages or respond directly to parts of a message? Block quotes are here to help! Simply type ">" followed by a space before the text you want to highlight, and it will appear visually distinct from the rest.

Code it Up - Inline for Clarity:

Whether you're a developer sharing code snippets or just want to emphasise specific terms, inline code formatting is your new best friend. Surround your text with "" symbols (e.g.,this is code`) to make it stand out with a distinct font style.

Beyond Text Walls: Improved Communication Made Easy

These new features make it easier to organise information, clarify key points, and create visually appealing messages. From shopping lists and recipe instructions to code snippets and highlighted quotes, the possibilities are endless. So, say goodbye to text walls and start expressing yourself with these powerful formatting tools in your next WhatsApp chat!


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