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  • Wednesday, 22 January 2025
RSC Reveals Policy Asks for Next UK Government

RSC Reveals Policy Asks for Next UK Government

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) has unveiled its policy asks for the next UK government, focusing on research and development (R&D), education, and sustainability. The publication of a new policy briefing signifies the RSC's commitment to elevating science and technology on the political agenda ahead of the forthcoming general election.


Policy Asks Overview:

The RSC's priorities for the next UK government revolve around three key areas:
1. Creating an ambitious, inclusive, and stable R&D policy environment for UK science and innovation.
2. Ensuring a world-class chemistry education for all.
3. Implementing a strategic, science-informed approach to sustainability, chemicals, and a circular economy of materials.


Advocacy Efforts:

Members of the RSC are encouraged to write to their MPs to ensure parliamentarians understand the significance of these policy asks for the chemical sciences community. The RSC's research highlights chemistry's profound impacts on the UK economy, with contributions amounting to £83 billion to UK GDP and £29 billion to GVA.


Evidence-Based Approach:

The RSC's calls for action are grounded in evidence-based research and regular consultations. Months of work have been dedicated to determining the most critical priorities for the chemical sciences sector, resulting in a comprehensive list of actions aimed at leveraging the power of chemistry for societal and environmental benefits.


Parliamentary Engagement:

Despite the absence of a confirmed date for the general election, the RSC's Parliamentary Affairs team has been actively engaging with parliamentarians to convey the views of RSC members. This effort aims to ensure that policymakers across the political spectrum understand the importance of prioritizing science and innovation in the UK's future agenda.


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