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  • Sunday, 06 October 2024
European Parliament Group Shuffle: Five Golden Rules

European Parliament Group Shuffle: Five Golden Rules

As the European People's Party (EPP) initiates the group constitution season, the dynamics of European parliamentary group formation come into focus. These groups are pivotal in shaping legislative outcomes and determining the distribution of power within the European Parliament.


Key Criteria and Challenges

Formation Requirements:

To establish a group, a minimum of 25 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from seven member states with shared political affinity is essential. Failure to meet these criteria relegates MEPs to non-attached status, limiting their influence and resources.

Political Affinity:

While groups must reflect political coherence, they often include diverse European parties, illustrating that parliamentary groups do not necessarily mirror singular European political entities.


Strategic Alliances and Power Dynamics


Influence and Resources:

Larger groups benefit from increased speaking time, funding, and access to influential positions within parliamentary committees and leadership roles. This disparity underscores the strategic importance of group size in legislative effectiveness.


Challenges for Non-Attached MEPs:

MEPs outside formal groups face restricted access to resources, reduced opportunities for leadership roles, and limited influence over legislative agendas due to their marginalized status.


Political Strategy and Controversies

Cordon Sanitaire:

The practice of isolating far-right groups through political exclusion (cordon sanitaire) raises democratic concerns, potentially amplifying support for extremist positions by limiting their institutional engagement.


Strategic Maneuvering:

Parties like Italy's Fratelli d'Italia navigate between controlling smaller, cohesive groups versus merging with larger entities like the Identity and Democracy (ID) group, balancing ideological alignment with power-sharing considerations.


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